UPS & Rectifiers - Italian manufacturers
UPS & Rectifiers – Italian manufacturers. Elettro supplies spare parts of UPS & Rectifiers mostly produced in Italy, such as:
Borri, Lever, MTS, Siel, GSC, Powertronix, Meta System-Legrand, Tamini, Sarm, Raddrizzatori Metallici Saiani e Pizzola-Ramet, Converex, Aros-Riello, Teletecnica, Silectron-Chloride, Sice-Emerson, Wattpower
We have spare parts in the Elettroparts lists, but sometimes we have to contact the manufacturers. This happens when your request is related to electronic cards or magnetic parts.
Please note that for some reasons: cards calibration, exclusive supply contracts, embargo, sanctions it will be necessary to provide together with the list of the requested spares also the serial number of the related equipment.
Some of these UPS and Rectifiers manufacturers are no longer in the market and a lot of product series are no longer in production, but these problems can be overcome.
In fact, Elettro will try to provide you the needed spare by contacting directly the manufacturer of the individual component, (capacitor, fan, semiconductor, etc.) or providing an equivalent both electrical and mechanical.
By means of Elettro the Italian UPS and Rectifiers manufacturers are closer to You now.